You are enrolling in a PSP40616 Certificate IV in Procurement and Contracting (Brisbane/Virtual Public Offer)
Course Start date: 06 May 2025
For the best learning environment, we will require minimum class sizes. If the class size is low, we will provide you with alternate dates or the option for a refund.
-Procurement Framework: 6-7 May 2025
-Plan Procurement: 26-28 May 2025
-Evaluate Tenders: 23-25 June 2025
-Administer Contracts: 28-30 July 2025
The Certificate IV in Procurement and Contracting course is ideal for people working as procurement officers, procurement policy officers, contract managers, and finance or project manager. This course will explore the legislative and policy framework which regulates government procurement and contracting processes and will provide skills to conduct procurement and contracting activities within these rules.
This course will run for 11 days and is made up of four blocks of training that includes allocated time to complete the assessment. It offers a practical, hands on program in which participants will practice developing the necessary procurement plans, gaining approvals, developing key documents such as the statement of work or statement of requirements, the Request for Tender and the Tender Evaluation Plan. Participants will also have the opportunity to conduct several realistic simulated tender evaluations to select a preferred provider. Participants will also become aware of the legislative, legal and policy framework within which regulates government procurement, contracting processes and will be able to conduct your procurement and contracting activities within the rules.
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