Student Registration Form

You are enrolling in a Cellebrite Certified Premium Operator [CCPO] (2d)

Course Start date: 07 Nov 2024

CCPO - Cellebrite Certified Premium Operator
(2-Day Instructor Led Training)

Cellebrite Certified Premium Operator (CCPO) is a two (2) day intermediate level certification course designed to further develop and practice fundamental mobile forensic techniques focused on Premium extractions.
The CCPO course is designed to afford participants an opportunity to learn basic and intermediate data extraction techniques to achieve Before First Unlock (BFU) and After First Unlock (AFU) extractions in a forensically sound manner, as well as develop brute-force attack strategies.

Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.

Terms & Policies

I have read and I agree to the CDFS Training Privacy Notice *

I have read and I agree to the terms and conditions. *

Student details

Enter your full name

Enter your birth date

Please select your Gender

Enter your contact details

This email address will be used as a CC email address on communications to you, please use this field to indicate if we need to CC another person / company in your communications.

Your Company of employment

Please enter the details for your your next-of-kin / Emergency Contact


What is the address of your usual residence?

Please provide the physical address (street number and name not post office box) where you usually reside rather than any temporary address at which you reside for training, work or other purposes before returning to your home.

If you are from a rural area use the address from your state or territory’s ‘rural property addressing’ or ‘numbering’ system as your residential street address.

Building/property name is the official place name or common usage name for an address site, including the name of a building, Aboriginal community, homestead, building complex, agricultural property, park or unbounded address site.

What is your postal address (if different from above)?

I have a postal address that is different to the residential address provided

RTO Questions

RTO Specific Questions


How did you hear about us?

Upload an attachment

(To upload multiple files, please Zip the files together, and upload the Zip file)

    (pdf, doc, docx, zip, png, jpeg - 3MB maximum)

Is there anything else we need to know, in regards to your enrolment?


Payment is Optional for this course

Processing Payment