Student Enrolment Form
You are enrolling in a AUR30220 Bicycle Workshop Operations - FEB 2025
Course Start date: 22 Feb 2025
How will this course be delivered?
Completion of Certificate II units and then attend the second block of training to gain the Certificate III level
AURAEA002Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace
AURASA102Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace
AURBCA101Work in a retail bicycle environment
AURBTA104Assemble new boxed bicycles for retail sale
AURBTB101Service and repair bicycle mechanical braking systems
AURBTB002Service bicycle hydraulic braking systems
AURBTB003Repair and overhaul bicycle hydraulic braking systems
AURBTD101Service bicycle steering systems
AURBTD102Service bicycle suspension systems
AURBTD103Repair and overhaul bicycle steering systems
AURBTJ102Service bicycle wheels and hubs
AURBTJ103Design and build bicycle wheels
AURBTJ104Repair and overhaul bicycle wheels and hubs
AURBTQ001Service bicycle drivetrain systems
AURBTQ002Repair and overhaul bicycle drivetrain systems
AURBTV101Remove, refit and adjust bicycle accessories
AURAFA001Use numbers in an automotive workplace
AURAFA002Read and respond to workplace information
AURBCA102Select and adjust bicycles to fit riders
AURBTA103Assemble bicycles
AURBTA108Disassemble and pack a bicycle for transport
AURBTJ001Remove, repair and refit bicycle tyres
AURBTD104Repair and overhaul bicycle suspension systems
AURBTJ101Remove, repair and refit bicycle tyres
AURBTK101Maintain specialised bicycle repair tools and equipment
AURBTR002Install and adjust bicycle electronic gear shifters
AURBTY001Repair bicycle frames
AURTTK002Use and maintain tools and equipment in an automotive workplace
Smart and Skilled enrolment fee for Certificate III is approximately $2700
What is the pathway?
Complete the Certificate II in Bicycle Mechanical Technology
and then attend the second block of training for the Certificate III units.
Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.