Student Enrolment Form

You are enrolling in a Certificate IV in Outdoor Leadership - Alpine Guides July 2025

Course Start date: 01 Jul 2025

This course is for people working in or wanting to work in the Ski Guiding/Touring/Outdoor Recreation Industry.

It is designed to give the participants opportunities to develop their skiing, navigation, snowshoe, camp craft and survival skills in steep and difficult terrain,

The Certificate IV in Outdoor Leadership is designed to reflect the role of those who operate within a broad range of varied contexts that may be complex and non-routine. Leadership and guidance are involved when organising activities for self and others, as well as contributing to technical solutions of a non-routine or contingency nature.

The course is delivered over a period of 10 weeks (which includes preparation and theory . 6 weeks and a 26-day practical block.

Preparation, planning & project 20 May . 30 June 2025 (online theory and planning project . no attendance required)

Practical Instructional sessions . 1 July . 26 July 2025
.Equipment & fitting
.Alpine Bushwalking
.Cross country Skiing
.Alpine Touring
.Field Repair
.Snow craft
.Avalanche search & rescue

You will learn the skills and have the knowledge for:
Guiding outdoor recreation activities in an uncontrolled environment
A guide operating in an uncontrolled environment has the skills, knowledge and experience that enable them to work independently within a variety of settings and contexts that may be complex and non-routine.
Instructing outdoor recreation skills
An instructor has the skills, knowledge, and experience to facilitate skill transfer or development for clients so that they may participate independently (or with minimal supervision) in outdoor activities.

This requires the instructor to be able to:
*transfer required technical skills and knowledge to participants
*apply a variety of appropriate instructional strategies
*critique participants technique
*assess participants skill and knowledge acquisition during and at the end of a program

Those with this qualification would manage expected and unexpected situations with considerable autonomy in all cases. Leadership, guidance, and supervision are involved when organising activities of self and others, as well as contributing to technical solutions of a non-routine or contingency nature.

SIS40621 Certificate IV in Outdoor Leadership The qualification is taken from the SIS10 - Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package and is recognised nationwide.

*Please Note - this is not an entry level course.
To be eligible to undertake the course, candidates must have already completed a Certificate III qualification or higher in Outdoor Recreation with any of the navigation units or demonstrate equivalent industry experience.
Examples of sufficient relevant skills and knowledge for entry into the qualification must include:
-Previous qualification at the AQF level below or
-Previous experience in the outdoor recreation industry and interest in outdoor pursuits
** All applicants are required to provide copies of previous qualifications and a current CV to us before your place on the course is confirmed.
Entry into this qualification will be based on our professional judgement in consultation with the individual.

Physical requirements
You will also be exposed to alpine and cold environments and be required to undertake a range of bushwalks and ski touring in difficult and advanced terrain.
You will be required to carry backpacks with equipment weighing up to 25kg. For most of the course, you will camp and sleep outdoors in tents in extremely cold environments. Participants should have the physical attributes to participate in adventurous physical activities.

Successful participants will need physical capacity and the skills to work in small groups, assume leadership and fellowship roles, and demonstrate physical robustness, emotional resilience, and teamwork in challenging learning environments.

Do I need previous ski experience?
No, we will provide ski training as part of this course.

As you are required to have previous Outdoor Recreation qualifications and or experience it is likely you will be eligible for recognition of prior learning or credit transfer in this course.
For example, if you have already completed a previous course in Outdoor Leadership and have completed the unit SISOPLN001: Finalise operation of outdoor recreation activities.
You can provide us with a copy of your transcript and receive Credit Transfer for this unit.
Please contact the office on 02 47222471 or email to request recognition of prior learning.

Program Content
27 units must be completed: (12 core units & 15 elective units)
Core units
HLTWHS003Maintain work health and safety
PUAOPE013Operate communications systems and equipment
SISOFLD002*Minimise environmental impact
SISOPLN001Finalise operation of outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN002Plan outdoor activity sessions
SISOPLN004*Identify hazards, assess and control risks for outdoor recreation activities
SISOPLN005*Interpret weather and environmental conditions for outdoor recreation activities
SISORSC001Conduct search and rescue
SISXCAI006Facilitate groups
SISXCCS003Address client needs
SISXEMR002Coordinate emergency responses
SISXFAC001Maintain equipment for activities

Elective Units
SISOBWG002 - Bushwalk in difficult tracked environments
SISOBWG003 - Bushwalk in extremely difficult tracked and untracked environments
SISOBWG007 - Lead bushwalks in extremely difficult tracked and untracked environments
SISOFLD007 - Navigate in difficult tracked environments
SISOFLD008* - Navigate in extremely difficult tracked and untracked environments
MSS024034 - Navigate in urban, regional and remote areas
SISOBWG004 - Cross rivers during bushwalks
SISOSKT003* - Use snow craft skills for alpine touring
SISOFLD003 - Select, set up and operate a temporary or overnight site
SISOSKT001 - Ski on easy cross country terrain
SISOSKT002* - Ski on intermediate cross country terrain
SISOSKT004 - Lead skiing activities on easy cross country terrain
SISOSKT005* - Lead skiing activities on intermediate cross country terrain
HLTAID009 - Provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation
PUASES016 - Apply snowcraft skills when performing search operations.

** SISOBWG004Cross rivers during bushwalks
As part of your Cert IV course, you must complete a unit called "SISOBWG004 Cross rivers during bushwalks". This is part of the bushwalking and navigation section of the course.
You may have heard this being referred to as "Swiftwater awareness" it is a one-day course run at the Pinch in the Lower Snowy.
If you do not already have this unit, it is compulsory to attend this River Crossing course days to achieve your Cert IV qualification.

Currently there are NSW Fee Free places available and it.s our goal to have all students enroll with Smart and Skilled funding but please note that NSW Fee Free places are limited.
Who is eligible?

Smart and Skilled provides eligible students with:
.an entitlement to government-subsidized training up to and including Certificate III
.government funding for higher-level courses (Certificate IV and above) in targeted priority areas.
Under Skills NSW, you may be able to study a fee-free course if you are:
.15 years old or over
.no longer at school
.living or working in NSW
.an Australian citizen, permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder, or New Zealand citizen.

Smart and Skilled eligible students that enrol in a NSW Fee Free priority qualification are eligible for a NSW Fee Free place, subject to the availability of a NSW Fee Free place.
Please note that NSW Fee Free places are limited.

EQUIPMENT FEE $900 (this is not part of NSW Fee Free).
We will be providing you with the following equipment for the duration of the Cert IV Course:
.XC Ski rental gear: Fishscale/Omnitrack based telemark skis, 68mm minimum underfoot width with cable bindings, 75mm telemark boots and adjustable poles.
.Alpine Touring rental gear: Alpine Touring skis with tech bindings, climbing skjns, alpine touring boots and adjustable poles.
.Snowshoe: Snowshoes and adjustable poles
.On Snow: Over snow transport and lift tickets to Charlotte Pass

.You will be required to arrange your own transport and entry into the National Park (All Parks 1 year Pass about $220)
.Camping/accommodation fees whilst in Jindabyne.
.All participants require a paid subscription to Gaia GPS (navigation app) approx. cost $60.
.Ski clothing and related camping equipment (see attached list)
.Food and snacks for duration of program
.Own or shared transport to and from training sites
.Chain hire for non-4wd vehicles

That students have NSW Ambulance Insurance (about $70 per year private health insurers)

Fee paying students are eligible for refunds in certain cases. For more details, refer to

Prior to work placement you may be required to provide a working with children check number. More information regarding this will be supplied at the information session.

There are no early exit points for this course of study.

The following are indicative job roles for this qualification:
*alpine guide
*outdoor instructor.

We can provide assistance for you. If feel as though you may need help with your studies, please contact administration on 02 47222471 or info@5startraining prior to enrolling in the course.

Please refer to the pre-enrolment information for new students for detailed information. This can be found at

There are various venues for this course which is predominantly based in the Kosciuszko National Park

Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.

Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

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As a registered training organisation (RTO), we collect your personal information so we can process and manage your enrolment in a vocational education and training (VET) course with us.

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We use your personal information to enable us to deliver VET courses to you, and otherwise, as needed, to comply with our obligations as an RTO.

How we disclose your personal information

5 Star Training & Consulting are required by law (under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth) (NVETR Act)) to disclose the personal information we collect about you to the National VET Data Collection kept by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). The NCVER is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating research and statistics about the Australian VET sector.

We are also authorised by law (under the NVETR Act) to disclose your personal information to the relevant state or territory training authority.

How the NCVER and other bodies handle your personal information

NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the NVETR Act. Your personal information may be used and disclosed by NCVER for purposes that include populating authenticated VET transcripts; administration of VET; facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage; and understanding the VET market. NCVER is authorised to disclose information to the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR), Commonwealth authorities, state and territory authorities (other than registered training organisations) that deal with matters relating to VET and VET regulators for the purposes of those bodies, including to enable:

  • administration of VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation
  • facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage
  • understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information.

NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.

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Contact information

At any time you may contact 5 Star Training & Consulting to:

  • request access to your personal information
  • correct your personal information
  • make a complaint about how your personal information has been handled
  • ask a question about this Privacy Notice

RTO# 91664 - 5 Star Training & Consulting Pty Limited
(02) 4722-2471
Unit 3/18 Abel Street Jamisontown 2750 NSW

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Student details

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Enter your birth date

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This email address will be used as a CC email address on communications to you, please use this field to indicate if we need to CC another person / company in your communications.

Your Company of employment

Please enter the details for your your next-of-kin / Emergency Contact


What is the address of your usual residence?

Please provide the physical address (street number and name not post office box) where you usually reside rather than any temporary address at which you reside for training, work or other purposes before returning to your home.

If you are from a rural area use the address from your state or territory’s ‘rural property addressing’ or ‘numbering’ system as your residential street address.

Building/property name is the official place name or common usage name for an address site, including the name of a building, Aboriginal community, homestead, building complex, agricultural property, park or unbounded address site.

What is your postal address (if different from above)?

I have a postal address that is different to the residential address provided


Language and cultural diversity



Previous qualifications achieved


Study reason


Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Course Questions

Course Specific Questions


Language, Literacy & Numeracy

  I require Language, Literacy and Numeracy assistance.

How did you hear about us?

Is there anything else we need to know, in regards to your enrolment?


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