Student Enrolment Form
You are enrolling in a Rail Corridor Induction - February 2025
Course Start date: 01 Feb 2025
The Rail Corridor Induction online training course covers a broad range of topics including minimum PPE requirements, fit for work information, speed limits, entering and exiting the rail corridor safely, environmental considerations and what to do in the event of an emergency.
Enrolments will be acknowledged at 9am daily. Outside these hours, the acknowledgement will be the next working day.
Once acknowledged, you will receive an email from which will contain your link and password. Once you receive this information, you may start the online training.
- Do not register more than once, if you do not receive your enrolment details, contact your company administrator.
- Do not use the same email address for multiple enrolments. The email address is unique to the enrolled person.
- Please disregard any notifications or messages regarding payment, as this is a free course.
All Arc training material, including online training, classroom courses and training exercises delivered or provided by Arc, any curriculum and any accompanying documentation (Course Material) is protected by copyright, held by Arc, and has been developed by, is owned by or is licensed to Arc. The Course Material may not be used, copied or duplicated wholly or in part without the express written authority of Arc Infrastructure.
Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.