Group Enrolment Form
You are about to book participants in a Supervise asbestos removal course.
Course Start date: 20 Jan 2025
Course times: 07:30 - 15:00 each day
Course location: 97 Rooney Street, South Townsville Qld 4810
Dress Code: Casual clothing, closed in shoes required
Catering: Tea, coffee, bottled water supplied. Students can bring lunches and use kitchen facilities. Food van comes to site each morning.
Pre-requisite: It is a mandatory pre-requisite of this course for students to provide a copy of
Statement of Attainment from Asbestos B and Asbestos A courses with course codes CPCCDE3014 and/or CPCCDE3015.
CSQ funding is applicable for this course for eligible participants. Please contact AIT office for more information.
Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.