Group Enrolment Form

You are about to book participants in a TLIC4006 - Drive multi-combination vehicle course.

Course Start date: 27 Jun 2024

This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to drive a multi-combination vehicle safely, including maintaining systematic and efficient control of all vehicle functions, coupling and uncoupling dollies, monitoring traffic and road conditions, managing vehicle condition and performance and effectively managing hazardous situations.

Driving must be carried out in accordance with relevant state/territory roads and traffic authority licence requirements and regulations for multi-combination vehicles.

Driving is performed with limited supervision, and duty of care responsibility for self and others in achieving the prescribed outcomes.

Course cost includes skills assessment at least three weeks prior to course date. Courses include theory and practical driver training and assessment, Qld Transport Requirement HR upgrade to MC min Two days.

Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.

Available seats: 1

 Please CC me at the above email address in correspondence to the following participants I am booking.



Total price for participants: $3,349.50

Enrolment Fee: $3,349.50

I have read and I agree to the terms and conditions.