Group Enrolment Form
You are about to book participants in a Provide first aid - DARWIN course.
Course Start date: 13 Jan 2025
This course describes the skills and knowledge required to provide a first aid response to a casualty in line with first aid guidelines determined by the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) and other Australian national peak clinical bodies.
The unit applies to all persons who may be required to provide a first aid response in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings.
Specific licensing/regulatory requirements relating to this competency, including requirements for refresher training should be obtained from the relevant national/state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authorities.
Location: AEA Training Centre, 874 Stuart Highway, Pinelands, DARWIN
Day 1:
13th of January 2025
Start Time: 8:30am
Finish Time: 4:30pm
Day 2:
14th of January 2025
Start Time: 8:30am
Finish Time: 4:30pm
Your attendance is required for both days.
$180.00 per a person
Please make your payment via credit card at the time of enrolment. If payment is not made, we will contact you to arrange payment. Please note that your position in the course will not be secured until payment is completed.
Dress Code Wear appropriate clothing, that is comfortable, and allows you to do activities on the floor: i.e. Recovery position.
Course Information Sheet:
AEA Training
08 8972 2211
Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.