Group Enrolment Form

You are about to book participants in a Scaffolding BASIC course.

Course Start date: 07 Jul 2025

Express interest by emailing or by calling 0747433400.
First in, first choice basis meaning you may have the choice to choose one of these three courses for the short working week.
To apply for an intermediate rigging licence you must hold, or have previously passed assessment for, a dogging licence and basic rigging licence. More information can be found here:
More information on Non Slew or Franna Crane licences be found here:
More information on Scaffolding licences be found here:
These courses are regulated by WHSQ so applicants must provide three forms of ID: usually a current Drivers Licence or 18+card; a Green Medicare Card or HealthCare Card; a bankcard or Birth Certificate.
More information can be found here:
These courses hold a minimum capacity of four persons so may be cancelled or combined with a larger training group if requirements are not met. This will be communicated six weeks prior to course date.

Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.

Available seats: 8

 Please CC me at the above email address in correspondence to the following participants I am booking.



Total price for participants: $1,850.00

Enrolment Fee: $1,850.00

I have read and I agree to the terms and conditions.