Group Enrolment Form

You are about to book participants in a Vehicle Loading Crane course.

Course Start date: 26 May 2025

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to operate, maintain and shift loads using a vehicle loading crane.

This unit applies to those working in site-based roles.

The work required in this unit relates to the National Standard for High Risk Work but this unit does not provide the licence. Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements that may apply to this unit can vary between states, territories, and industry sectors, and must be sourced from relevant state jurisdictions prior to applying this unit.

Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.

Available seats: 8

 Please CC me at the above email address in correspondence to the following participants I am booking.



Total price for participants: $0.00

Enrolment Fee: $0.00

I have read and I agree to the terms and conditions.