Group Enrolment Form

You are about to book participants in a Provide CPR - KATHERINE course.

Course Start date: 31 Jan 2025

This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in line with the Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines.

This unit applies to all persons who may be required to provide CPR, in a range of situations, including community and workplace settings.

Specific licensing/regulatory requirements relating to this competency, including requirements for refresher training should be obtained from the relevant national/state/territory Work Health and Safety Regulatory Authorities.

Location: Dept of Education, J Block, 19 Second Street, Katherine.

31st of January 2025
Start Time: TBAam
Finish Time: TBApm

Dress Code Wear appropriate clothing, that is comfortable, and allows you to do activities on the floor: i.e. Recovery position.

Course Information Sheet:

AEA Training
08 8972 2211

Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.

Available seats: 16

 Please CC me at the above email address in correspondence to the following participants I am booking.



Total price for participants: $115.00

Enrolment Fee: $115.00