Group Enrolment Form

You are about to book participants in a HLT41120 Certificate IV in Health Care course.

Course Start date: 01 Dec 2025

SDS requires a minimum deposit of $1,500.00, maximum of $1500.00 from self-funding students to secure seat, payment of the remaining course cost is required prior to completion.

Please ensure you have read and understood our Participant Handbook, Terms and Conditions including Payment Terms, Refunds, Complaints, Appeals. This information can be found at the bottom of the SDS website,

Please note your booking is not confirmed until payment is received.

Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.

Available seats: 8

 Please CC me at the above email address in correspondence to the following participants I am booking.



Total price for participants: $4,750.00

Enrolment Fee: $1,500.00