Group Enrolment Form

You are about to book participants in a RIIWHS202E - Enter and Work in Confined Spaces - OT/F2F P course.

Course Start date: 06 Mar 2025

Learning Outcomes:
.Plan and prepare for working in confined space.
.Key legislation relevant to enter and work in confined spaces.
.Key policies, procedures and documentation required to enter and work in confined spaces, including:
.Entry and exit procedures, risks and regulations.
.Site and equipment safety requirements.
.Site isolation and site control responsibilities and authorities.
.Safety data sheets.
.Incidents and emergency response documentation.
.Work in confined space.
.Principles and techniques for identifying and responding to:
.Areas that constitute confined spaces.
.Types of air contaminants and toxic gases.
.Limitations of breathing apparatus.
.Relevant hazards and emergencies.
.Equipment types, characteristics, technical capabilities and limitations.
.Principles and techniques for using confined space and industry terminology.
.Techniques for coordinating and communicating job activities with others.
.obtaining the required entry permit and instructions for performing work in confined spaces
.interpreting and applying workplace procedures
.applying tagging and lock out procedures
.selecting, wearing and caring for personal protective equipment
.using atmospheric monitoring devices prior to entering the confined space
.entering the confined space
.working in the confined space
.using atmospheric monitoring devices during confined space activity
.applying safe materials handling methods
.exiting the confined space
.removing tagging and lock out.
.Exit confined space.
.Clean up.

Entry Requirements:
.Be a minimum of 18 years of age.
.All candidates must have basic level of English proficiency (both written and communication).
.Photo ID
.A valid Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Course delivery and Assessment:
.Online Theory based learning and assessment.
.Face to Face practical session

On successful completion of this course candidates will be issued with a Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment for the Unit/s of Competency.

Please fill in the Registration form below. Fields with a red * are required.

 Please CC me at the above email address in correspondence to the following participants I am booking.



Total price for participants: $0.00

Enrolment Fee: $0.00